Saturday, September 10, 2005

Blathering on and risking his wrath

There are a few days during the year I am not supposed to tread upon:

February 4th:
Which is the poet's youngest brother's birthday and a day traditionally when he makes momentous decisions, for good or bad, regarding his relationships.
May 3rd:
His Mother's birthday...and the anniversary of his accident - he always seems to be in the middle of something on this day.
June 9th:
His daughter, Perelandra's, birthday.
July 20th:
The birthday of his twin sons, Phobos and Diemos...ooops, Elric and Dante.
August 12th:
Nancy's (Psyche's) birthday.
September 10th:
Ann's birthday (today).
September 13th:
Jan's (his first wife) birthday.
November 1st:
His own little sacred inside joke. Only one person alive really knowns the depth of the significance of this day. I know the facts, they know the flavour.

So, for me to post something today, I have to be a little full of myself. And I am.

Just a couple of notes.

First we are starting to get the first of the entries into the contest for the free autographed copy of The Compleat Panther Cycles. Details below. Remember, entries must be in by midnight, Eastern Time, September 15th. And yes, you can even be from overseas (the first entry I got was from India...)

Secondly, let me tell you I have seen his sketches of the concepts behind THEOCRICIDE. If you have a vested interest in his life, buy your policies now...if putting out this book doesn't kill him, a deranged reader will. If THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES was the most ambitious poetry book ever executed (which it has been called by some writers) than this don't have a word for it. He calls it "the quintessential collection of my essense, my nunc dimittis". It is beyond ambition. It will be interesting to see how people react to it when they see it incarnate. He has redefined himself. He has become his works.


As to Ann. Girl, yes, he still loves you and respects you, and your silence is the most violence I've seen done to him by another person since I have known him. But, you know, I envy him his facility to love in the face of madness. He has celebrated your survival and I honestly believe that had he stayed in Mississippi he would be dead by now, thanks to the toxicity of the environment he was trapped in or by his natural heroic nature in the face of Hurricane Katrina. Perhaps one day when you have evolved enough as a person to understand love, you will understand this better, even be worthy of him. That would make for an interesting book, no?

Anastacia - I understand your desire to keep him safe from being eaten alive by his next "project". Don't worry, he's developed this interesting aspect I'd never seen in him before. The ability to say "No". He's not looking for another cripple, he's looking for a peer. Not a lot of those around, you know? It will take a goddess, whether she is aware of this capacity or not already. He has a history of taking women to the cliffs and jumping, to see if they follow...most don't, a few do and fall, a few hover briefly...based on what I have seen, none have blazed their own comet's tail across the sky. That would be a good thing. That would save him. I know he waits for that now.

Also, he's tasked me with another damn's an homage to the me, it is deranged.


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