Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Books, Contests, Drunkeness, Date Rape and Leadership

Sat down with Tag (poet Dan McTaggart) yesterday evening and discussed both of our upcoming book projects...these are exciting times.

He hadn't been to the blog yesetrday, so he hadn't heard about the editing contest that I'm right now running (read down a post or two if you hadn't seen it yet)...but he thought it was an interesting idea.

I've promised to give away several copies of The Compleat Panther Cycles this fall, so I've decided to set up a series of contests to allow people to win them...this is just the first. I won't reveal any details on the next contests until the closing date on this one (September 15th) or after, I don't want to muddy the waters.

WVU plays at home this Saturday. Oh joy, more amateur hooliganism. Word on the street is there is an element within the student body (and the wannabes) that wants to show the local police that they can't stop them from public drunkenness and destruction of property...this could get real ugly.

So what is WVU doing, in its wisdom, to keep a lid on it? Why sponsoring the big rally Friday night at the Mountainlair, to get the drunkenness going...Morgantown may not be a fit place for man or beast for a day or two...not quite the French Quarter after Katrina, but pretty much a besotted mass of idiots. And WVU has the marketing good sense to keep a lid on their on-campus rape stats so as not to scare away next year's students, as do most colleges.

Watched The Daily Show with John Stewart last night. Man, did they tear Bush a new one...and deservedly so. It's no secret I've never been impressed with the lackluster frat boy, I am just sorry his shortcomings are resulting in death and suffering. You can at least argue that our sons and daughters being PR cannon fodder in Iraq volunteered to be in the military. The poor people of Southern Mississippi, Louisiana and New Orleans deserve better.

I guess we get as leaders whom we accept as leaders and it is our own damn fault.


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