Sunday, April 09, 2006

Two questions of children and a muse

Well, that was fast...two questions from one source (almost unfair, but they are good questions, which I will subdivide even further at my own whim, with an explanation.

The questions were:

What is your favourite memory of your children?" and
What is a favourite memory of one of your muses?"

The first I must subdivide into one per child...

...favourite memory of Dante?
One night being awakened by the sound of giggling in the next room...tiptoeing to the boys' room I see Dante, who had arranged all the stuffed animals in a semi-circle on the floor. He was sitting amongst them, talking to them, listening intently, and occasionally laughing and reacting to what he was "hearing" from them. There was magic in that moment.

...favourite memory of Elric?
I have a picture of this moment somewhere. Elric had a knack for hurling things with pinpoint accuracy, even as a baby. One day I was stalking him with the camera and caught him in his room, examining the "nose bulb" (a ghastly instrument of blue rubber torture, used on unsuspecting children with clogged nasal passages)...he saw the camera as I raised it and launched the bulb at me...I snapped the picture as the bulb was airborne, a fraction of a second before it smacked into the camera and knocked it from my hands. The picture survived, I'll see if I can find it somewhere.

...favourite memory of Peri?
Almost unfair, compared to the boys, as she and I were best buddies forever, but let me pick one. She was maybe six years old and terrifyingly precocious, with a wicked sense of humour. She loved this slinky peasant blouse of her Mother's with an elastic waist and would wear it around the house as a dress, to play in. There were some balloons on the floor of the living room, left over from a party a few days before...Peri stuffed them into the blouse to simulate a bosom that would have made Dolly Parton fall over. She waltzed into the kitched and announced "Hey, Mom, the hormones kicked in..." Her Mother turned and shrieked. (Yes, that is also a Muse moment...)

...favourite memory of a Muse?
That's like asking me to pick between my children, but I'll is simplified by threats from former lovers who want me to never mention them in my blog...and having already mentioned the Valkyrie, the list narrows...hmm.... So many, this is a tough question...better I should pick a Muse first, then a memory of just her. Psyche wins a roll of the dice.

We had being seeing each other for some time when I met her elder sister for the first time...she had been living elsewhere for some time and had just recently moved home, I believe after a divorce. Anyway...we were all in the living room, I was talking, standing, and Psyche had reached her tolerance of the seriousness of the moment and called out "Sloth Time!" of our shorthand codes for particular actions to be taken...I dutifully scurried over the couch to kiss her and she wrapped her arms and legs (incedibly long legs...sigh...) around me and I had to step away from the couch with her hanging off me like a sloth. Her older sister burst out laughing with an irrespressible cackle I thought was going to damage the crystal. The intellectual seriousness of the moment was broken...shattered...and I didn't mind at all. Somewhere in my unpublished catalog is a poem called "Sloth Time"...

There you go, two down, eight to go...


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