Thursday, April 27, 2006

a quick recap before facing the new day

Had a pleasant evening at B&N...Tag came by and we discussed future book plans. He wouldn't have shown up if I hadn't called him and let him know his favourite clerk was working...he is terribly fond of this Amazonian blonde. They're all too young for me, but I do have a favourite there.

We have started talking about doing a small, joint project to be used as a marketing tool, but mostly we blathered on about our next few individual project: He's got in mind a book of poems about is a favourite topic of his and he has some great pieces from different slants. It might make a very fun book.

Me, I'm concentrating on 101GEP and RONIN...

Didn't hear back from my friend who was supposed to call yesterday...the mother hen in me presumes something awful has happened to her, the person who has lived as long as I have assumes she'll call when she is in the mood. God, I've dealt with some flaky souls in this life...she wouldn't even make the top twenty list of flakes.

Worked a bit on the podcast for this week (recall, this is my tribute week to Gertrude Stein) while Amrican Idol was on in the background. So as not to disappoint my dear Karla, I have to know Taylor's status...glad to see him still around. Something about us quirky, grey-haired over-achievers needing to stick together.


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