a renewal of life
I am weary, which leaves me many options...I never count on only one coping mechanism for any mood.
I have decided to...reinvigorate myself. So I will shower, shave, and head over to B&N to read and flirt. If those I am waiting to hear from contact me, fab. If not, I am not sitting around with my thunb up my butt, waiting for them.Before I do all of this, I would offer a single, black rose to my dear friend, the Selke, who has chosen to walk her own path. I respect her decision and wish her nothing but happiness. Mine is not the only road, it is just my only road. I have, too often, left my path to aid others and be with others and neglected my purpose. While well-intentioned, it has been well-intentioned folly and grievous have I paid for this. I accept your exit with respectful grace.
Be well, child, and find peace and joy.
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