Thursday, April 06, 2006

books from an unexpected quarter

Well, stopped by B&N and read some works as part of their open microphone, even had a nice chat with their Community Relations Manager, who is coordinating my reading on the 22nd. Nice get together, and I got a surprise...

I went over to the Poetry section and there they were...a stack of my massive volume THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES as well as another of ...what? FROM AN UNEXPECTED QUARTER? Hold it...I thought we were just doing TCPC and 101 GREAT LOVE POEMS....

Nope, there, as large as life, is the orchid cover featuring she who must not be named. Lovely...

now, time to buckle down and sell a mountain of books. Hmmm...guess it's crunch time...

Tag was philosophical, pointing out that the title of the book makes it interesting to appear unexpectedly.

In the middle of my best sales month ever, it's nice to get such a surprise...

Although I did have them send back the mother-beautiful poster they have for me...they left off my middle initial and didn't capitalize the "V" in DeVault. ::sigh::


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