Sunday, April 09, 2006

answering questions

Okay, I'm kicking off the official "ask me anything" challenge for National Poetry Month by letting E.J. beat you all to it via his take on the Proust Questionaire...the next ten direct questions I receive via email from readers will be answered in my blog unlss in answering them I will be exposing another person to harm, shame or's E.J.'s ten questions, with my answers.

Name you wish you were born with had yours been not available?
Auguste, not enough poets named Auguste

Best kiss you ever got?
The Mad Gypsy once kissed me so perfectly and passionately that when I think of it, the hair on the back of my neck still stands up, a decade later.

The one song that always sticks to the roof of your brain?
"Crash Into Me" by The Dave Matthews Band

Most angry you've ever been with another person?
Can't answer that one. Wouldn't be fair to them.

Most angry you've ever been with yourself?
For effing up my friendship with my daughter.

The poem of yours you wish you could unwrite?
"Weaver"...god, I hate that poem.

Where would you live if you could only spend the rest of your life in one place?
The high desert of Southern California

How old do you think you will be when you die?

Nearest you've ever been to death?
105 degree fever, gangrene, when I was thirteen

The one question you would ask God first?
Is there anything I can do further?

Okay people, E.J. did pretty well...hit me with your best shots. I'll post the ansers to the first ten I get (don't worry of you take a little time to think of a good one...most people are too shy to step up...)


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