Sunday, October 08, 2006

Invitation to blurb

I am a firm believer in the sweet science of blurbology, the writing, selection and inclusion of testimonials by fellow authors, writer, editors, publishers, celebrities and various niche-dwellers to both enhance the sales of a book, and to reciprocate with attention to the author of the blurb.

To this end, I am opening my process to anyone who feels they can contribute. I am looking for individuals who, because of their standing, talents, or need to plug their upcoming projects, might be interested in "blurbing" any of my forthcoming book or CD projects, specifically:

November 2006:
(book, co-authored with Daniel S. McTaggart)
This selection of poems about West Virginia would benefit by not only author and editor comments, but by anyone intimately attached to the Mountain State, from local celebrities to individuals who have come from the realm of the Monster River (the Monongahela River).

December 2006:
Brutally frank look at the emotions of loss, alienation and disillusionment as poison in the veins of the romantic, through poetry.

A selection of my best known works, read without music or additional voices. A truly naked read of some well-loved and respected works.

I and the Gods of Love are at it again, with this CD of musical-poetry fusions. Many of the pieces featured on this CD have appeared on my podcast show, FROM OUT OF THE CITY. Some have not.

So whether you are a writer, and editor, a publisher, a musician, or think you bring to the mix a barter of niche for niche, if you are interested in receiving advance copies of these works to make broad, generalized statements that show me you really didn't read them or listen to them but want to suck up and help you promote your material anyway (how cynical the last few years have made me!), drop me a line at and thanks!

We'll get the previews out a few weeks before the deadlines and trust you to say something worth repeating! Remember, back cover space is limited, so really shine!


Ms. Adams said...

What! You and Daniel are writing a book and you left me out? How dare you! Why, I've been to West Virginia, um, once ... maybe. Er, I have a good friend who was born there. LOL. Oh, men. Leave them alone for a little bit and they form a good ole boys club. ;-)

Best wishes on your project, fellas.


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