Thursday, October 26, 2006

filling out your scorecards

By popular demand, a quick catchup on local issues:

Jasmine seems to have played the pocket veto. Such is life. I hope that whatever she wants in this life, she gets. There are billions of people in this world, if I was angry or hateful over any of them not wanting me to be a key factor in their lives, I'd be wasting an awful lot of emotional energy on being stupid. I'd still recue her cat from a tree at 3 in the morning if she asked for help.

E.J. let me know that, owing to some technical issues today, he won't be posting on Amomancer blog this morning. I'll actually miss that, I usually read it, as I sometimes forget many of the pieces I've written.

Not a big fan of people who have an issue with you, and rather than address it to you, take it down another path. I consider that cowardice, and gossip, two things I don't really respect. Moral superiority is not found in whispering campaigns, but in forthrightness and earnest debate.

An observation derived from a few decades of success as a corporate stormtrooper: If your target is process rather than results, you are addicted to stagnation and mediocrity. Inputs, external factors and targets change faster than bureaucracy. Ingrained ignorance and habituation is stronger than knowledge.


Anonymous said...

Can you be more specific about how Jasmine issued the pocket veto? Are you absolutely sure that you clearly expressed your feelings to her, and that she isn't just giving you space to reflect? She may be very shy when it comes to her heart. She may be worried about putting you off. Does Jasmine know for certain that you have feelings for her? Does she know that you write poems ABOUT her? What rumors do you think she'd be concerned with? Is it possible she cares for you, but does not want to be too assertive and drive you away? I smell a tragedy of the Road Not Taken kind. Is is possible she's interpreted your shyness as disinterest? Would you please answer these questions directly? Though I have much to do this morning, I am hanging on your every word.


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