Saturday, November 05, 2005

sex and the singularity

Started working on the next steps in the evolution of the podcasting hub at City of Legends (aka Radio City of Legends). I'll be making it leaner and cleaner, using subpages to help avoid clutter.

Still waiting on the contributions of several writers...they need to get moving. Met with Dan McTaggart last night. Tag and I discussed his manuscript "Midnight Muse in a Convenience Store"...I'm writing the foreword. Good stuff. The great thing about hanging with Tag is that he and I are, stylistically and thematically, so different that there is no danger we'll lose the terminus line between our works. I would recommend his book, soundly, when it comes out later this year or early next year.

I'll also be hoisting the holiday specials at the City bookstore this evening...I'm a great poet, but a lousy salesman.

Today's blog title, a bit of word play. I've stayed away from intimacy for some time now, in part out of letting the emotional scar tissues heal and in part out of respect and affection for Ann...I still, in some ways, feel married to her...I took those vows seriously enough to change the course of my life in so many ways (not all for the better). There is a part of me that still insists that it would be cheating, and while she may not care in her own conduct...there is also a part of her that was very gratified that I didn't go bed hopping when she gave me the excuse.

The gallant lives. If this is living! :-)


Ms. Adams said...

So, you've met Daniel in person. I'm so jealous. :-) He's brilliant.

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