Wednesday, November 09, 2005

eros and morose

Just added another "set piece" to the podcasts: I called it "Taste and Fragrance" as all three works in it are strong on those images. I chose "The Hunger", from the erotic poetry cycle "Penetralia" the final movement - "Summoner" and "Jasmine and Plumeria" for the "Pink Jade" works.

Restless...considering cutting off my trademark ponytail (I should save it if I do and sell it on eBay one day). Change can be a good thing, even if just meaningless gestures.

At a crossroads on some majr life choices...I hate these moments, as I always can see ten thousand variables. There is a blessing in being slow or dense or of limited vision, you don't agonize over decisions, you may make bad ones just as often as clever or insightful people, but you have the arrogance of ignorance to embrace whatever you choose as the right path. I'm not claiming a virtue in an above-average brain pan...indeed, I think sometimes, particularly in modern America, where slogans have replaced ratinal thought and loyalty to a political party or social cause is prized over integrity and truth, it is a decided handicap.

C.S. Lewis was right about the dumbing-down process of democratic cultures.


William F. DeVault said...

You are wise beyond your years...the tail stays, the exprssion nears and the vector/velocity is merely an issue of the optimum time, kairos over chronos (as I always say)


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