Sunday, November 27, 2005

blood and souls for my Lord Arioch

You want chaos? Live my life!

Revised the front page of my website today...started working on the upcoming podcast programs, dialogued with some friends on the phone and by email, grabbed a nice hot bath and...

er, let me see...finally listened to reason and will attend my daughter's wedding next Fall (just trying to do the right thing, and having no information as to what that might be), was coerced into planning to actually travel on Christmas Day by my son Elric, wrote several more poems, edited down some poetry, confirmed my plans to pull two of my books next Spring as I release THEOCRICIDE... on theme music for the weekly OUT OF THE CITY podcasts, worked with my brother Robert on some business plans, swung by Teletech to finish filling out my insurance forms online, only to find the system was down, went to church, ate, napped, and studied "The Dummy's Guide to Flash 5" while taking the aforementioned soak.

Responded to a request to enter a poetry contest: My usual answer - Hell, No! They don't ask McCartney to go on American Idol, I don't enter freaking poetry contests, morons.

No wonder I named my firstborn son Elric, King of the Elves. (Actually, that was because he was born with pointed ears)...and no, that does not mean I love him any more or am any more proud of him than Peri or Dante. It's a name, peoples.

My Mom today came home from church and mentioned they saw a video about "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe"...I love that Evangelicals are rediscovering C.S.Lewis, the man whose books have been burned for having a witch in the title as well as the accusations that he was in league with the devil for his seminal "The Screwtape Letters"...


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