Sunday, November 06, 2005

Erotic, Romantic and Poetic Moods

Looking forward to tonight's "West Wing" and Wednesday night's "Lost"...

Just got through adding more works to the podcasting page at City of Legends, including a discussion of my muse "Alisha" and the work "Theocricide at Mach 10e6"...later tonight or early tomorrow I shall be adding two "mood sets" of poetry...

(for a sample, here's a direct link to the "muse: Alisha" piece: Alisha...for a link to the entire "Radio City of Legends" here)

One, entitled "Mood Romantique" includes "Soubrette", "Damascus" (Movements 3 and 7), "The Patchwork Skirt of My Love" and "Cithara Song, strummed lightly as the sun leaps the horizon"...and yes, to those of you dedicated to the history of my works, the latter piece is one about Alisha...but no, I still ahve not heard from her in years (her choice, not mine). The first three were inspired during my marriage to Ann and "Patchwork" was really a blending of Alisha and the Goldenheart.

The other, "Mood Poetique" features three of my more tour-de-force works: "I rained poetry", "from out of the city" and "Love Gods of a Forgotten Religion"...I have to admit, no matter my mood, no matter the day, whatever other variance there may be in such a list, if asked to name my ten best works, those three would always make the list.

For both of these I have to give major props to Alan MacDonald, my boyhood friend who engineered the vocal tracks for these. He is awesome.

I've just gotten off the phone with my boys, they are a great source of joy to me (I wish I woudl hear from time to time from Peri, but I can't take that personally, or it would fry my soul)...

Missing my West Coast friends daily, wishing we'd stay better in desperate need of a good massage, just world-weary


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