Friday, November 04, 2005

Is it a double entendre to say my erotic poetry reading is up?

Managed to get a fast turnaround from and the three-poem reading "Mood Erotique" is already up on the Radio City of Legends page. I made a few stylistic tweaks, as well. Subtle things, half of which I will probably relent/repent of, but such is life.

I'm still looking for more poets to contribute to the site, as well as individuals who want to demonstrate their pipes in either doing their own audio interpretations of my works or of classic poetic works (the benchmark of a good reader? How well can they do Shelley's "Ozymandias of Egypt"...)

I got my regular emailing from the people at Zogby, the pollsters, asking me about various issues...included in the most recent were several questions about the upcoming live debate epsode of "The West Wing"...yes, I watch the show, and yes, I will watch the debate...why? It's one of the few shows on television where the entire cast can act...and the writing is sharp. My favourite episode of all time of any television show still remains "The Two Cathedrals". I am sure, after that performance, Martin Sheen sat back and recited the nunc dimittis (and, considering how well he ripped it up in "Apocalypse Now!", still one of my favourite movies of all time, that's saying a lot).

Seeing as he is going to guest on "Two and a Half Men" I guess I'll need to watch that at least once.

Got a call from Jack at ArtsMon, looking to use the cover of "The Morgantown Suite Poems" in their newsletter. Permission granted. It will be interesting to see if they begin to exploit the profit-potential in that gift I gave them.

Time to go make more miracles. And mistakes.


Dusty said...


I finally listened to them all. Chrysalis is probably my favorite. Not that they weren't all varying degrees of good. I liked the pacing of Chrysalis.
I liked “First Date Blues” and “Goblins in my Attic.” (Shel Silverstein would be proud.)

The Phoenix… I thought ending it with “Cathrsis” was a tad abrupt.

I should watch TV some time.

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