Monday, June 05, 2006

Unzipping, Politically

So, the big banking is going to be on opposition to gay marriage and flag burning for the Republicans in power in the fall.

So much for a wrecked economy, Social Security failing, gas prices and the war in Iraq...

Sorry guys, if that's the best you can do to prove you are worthy to need to fold your tents and go now, quietly, because even if you win, the country loses.

There may be enough single-issue voters out there who do not care if they pay $5.00 a gallon for gas and they have no retirement system and the US follows the Soviet Union into collapse through financial disaster and our sons and daughters are still asked to die for an ill-defined foreign policy that helps raise the gas prices, bankrupt the economy, stagnate our education system and collapse our safety net.

But is it worth killing our children and sacrificing their futures just so you can stay in power?

Show as much loyalty to Christian principles and the US Constitution as you do to your party membership...because right now, you are pathetic by any sane measure of character, scripture or sanity.

The Soviet Union died a staggeringly awful death as a world power because party zealots could not embrace reality. Let's save our country now, and vote out those who want to sell us down the tubes to ensure their positions on the boards of multinational corporations when they retire.


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