Wednesday, June 21, 2006

aftermath of WV Day

Bleah. Urk. Is it morning?

Not dazzled by the reading - book signing last night. It's hard to feel energized when you can find a larger audience sitting around the table at an Olive Garden. (Which, the second day of their "grand opening" in Morgantown got more press than the presence of all four writers yesterday in the local media...priorities is weird...) Nobody's fault, just these things happen. I miss my LA audiences.

To add to that, I was flat. Undeniably flat (you can go to another blog now, I always hate my appearances, though I am going to vent it this time...this is just self-flagellation, you may find it boring). I did not use the space I had, I was rigid, monotone, in the words of one audience member "laid back". Aigh. I didn't have a key person to reflect off of and, in the absence of that, I know how it goes, but that doesn't mean I have a good excuse. I should stand or fall on my own merits as an author and a performer.

Okay, enough rough stuff. This out of the way I can get engaged on finishing up the edits for 101 GREAT EROTIC POEMS.


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