the shades of jade fall interesting word.
how do you trust? who do you trust? who do you "believe in"?
you can use just straight, balls-to-the-wall "faith"...but what happens when it isn't enough, when the level of disappointment you've encountered is so massive you can't seem to find your faith in people?
barring a miracle, I think I am cursed to remain a "ronin in the Temple of Aphrodite". I don't think it is impossible to find someone to trust, I just feel that perhaps I am someone whom others are not trustworthy with.
Innes used to say that everyone believes in me when they meet me, everyone loves me. I'm larger than life, I inspire people to believe in themselves. but when they one day lose that faith in themselves, because the person they are hasn't really changed, and we all fall down from time to time, they grow angry with me, as I haven't given them what they thought I had promised them.
I don't know...
a new poem, from this evening's venting...
The Shades of Jade
Not a stone to atone, but a heart
a heart and a mind and a point of view
true to a perspective I cannot seem to find
the angle on, so I dangle on,
wondering if gravity always pointed this way
and if I stay and play
will everyone else go away
and leave me in the shadows
as the shades of jade fall
over my once purposeful heart.
William F. DEVault. all rights reserved.
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