a ten hour reading of TCPC?
Weird night, strange dreams (not bad dreams, just what part of my preconscious threw an armadillo on a skateboard, SpiderMan and Eva Longoria into a storyline together?) Any weirder and I'll have to write a treatment for David Lynch (I can see it now, Rikki Lake will play Eva...Spiey will be tortured by repressed memories...the armadillo is not what he seems)
"The Nosferatu's Quandry" has fueled a new musical piece...I hope to have it polished enough for tonight's podcast, we shall see.
I have been out, pimping, on MySpace...the slices are getting a listen and I am slowly building up contacts. Even Nordette acknowledges me now... :-)
Got a nice, long email from Peri, giving me the inside intel on what to expect when I come out for her wedding...I'm ready. Okay, I'm not, but time will have to be appeased...
Just go through reading through some stuff by my friend Kira...she has remarkable promise as a poet, just needs to go through the burn-off stage (she's quite young...how young? a decade too young for me, and I'm pretty omnivorous when it comes to age...besides, she looks ta me with that "You're older trhan my Dad" look, which just is not a turn on...) What's the burn off stage? That's where you learn what you want the world to see and burn away the rest...let the heat of your own creativity give you the power to pitch what is worthless to you.
It's short notice, but I'd love to do a full reading of THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES on July 18th, as a PR stunt. E.J. estimates it would take 10 hours to do the full read. I see it as a five minute break every hour, and just going for the full book...might get some bookstore a little attention...maybe I should pimp the idea to Chanda at B&N, or just hang it to dangle in front of a local indie store.
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