Erotic Poetry in Mountaineer Country
Today is the day of the signing. Sigh. I note with no startled disappointment that, despite Barnes & Noble's best efforts, there has been no mention of any of the 4 authors who are appearing today at their store in honor of West Virginia Day and to help promote the West Virginia Encyclopedia, in the local media. Ah, well.
If you haven't been around me during the prep for a read, I'm not an easy person to get along with...I go inward, flip to feral, turn myself inside out and wait for the moment. This will be an unusual read in that it will be with people I largely I have worked with before. Cheryl Denise, the charming and lovely author of the book I SAW GOD DANCING will precede me, Tag is supposed to be there, and even the admirably crushable Kate will be working the counter at Starbucks to make me my iced tea the way I like it (strong, unsweet, and served by a brilliant and beautiful woman). Add to this the legions of people who have predicted their intent to be there, I am hoping for a mob scene, I'll be happy if they sell some books.
As I woke this morning, I stayed in bed for a few minutes (normally I avoid this, as it is just a reminder of the lack of other heat sources under the comforter) and opened a few mental channels I normally only open on appearance days. I used to "wear the poet" all the time, and would still, but Morgantown, West Virginia, is not the place to be me, it never was and never will be...I learned my lesson, survival is for the cunning. A disguise is always useful. I still think the same way, believe the same things, my thought cadences come in rhythm and rhymed words. Don't get me wrong, the vast majority of locals are great, intelligent and kind people. There are just enough yahoos to make it inopportune to be too easily singled out.
I put up one of the previously unreleased poems from 101 GREAT EROTIC POEMS on AuthorsDen, this morning. Call it a whim. The name of the poem is "The Texture of Your Tongue" and you can read it here. Please note, although I rated it is, conceptually a hard-R poem, being about fellatio. Erotic poetry, remember? Yes, hello? This is not a children's book...
Good news, the spelling checker here on Blogspot did recognize "fellatio"...but it had issues with Morgantown, Starbucks and "sheesh".
I repeat. Sheesh.
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