PTC disapproves of "Rescue Me"
I see where last week's episode of "Rescue Me" was named the Worst TV Content for the week by the Parents Television Council.
So, parents, don't let your kids watch it at 10 pm on FX. Me, I love the show...characters who are actually more inept at life than I am. You know, human beings, not the sanitized mockeries of life some would have us misrepresent as adult life.
For more information on this honor, including the details that got them the award, check out this link.
And don't let your kids go to that page either, they give graphic language and sexual descriptions, unsuitable for kids, as they detail the sins of the writers, producers, and actors. I'd give the details here, but as a responsible parent, I don't put such language on my website for kids to read.
Funny, my wife was rather surprised that the Victoria's Secret commercial aired... she thought it was a little over the line.
Then I reminded her that this was 1) FX and not network television, 2) after 9:00 PM Central, and 3) during an episode of "Rescue Me" where (once again) Dennis Leary said "cock".
She laughed. Then I reminded her of the scene with the Probie not being gay.
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