Monday, August 06, 2007

with a click of the mouse

My past moves to intersect with my present, and not in an unpleasant manner.

My future is vague, but I am resolute.

I had a nice talk with my daughter yesterday. Damn, I miss her.

Ran across the woman who should have been my second wife (who? you'd never guess, the answer is not that obvious) but external forces, including a blonde with an agenda, intervened (and why do I insist upon spelling "blonde" with an "e" while my spell checker argues me?). My life would have taken a massively, and most likely more stable, path had I built upon our relationship in Los Angeles.

Final recording session for the big podcast, I hope, tonight. We shall see. I may have a surprise or two waiting for you.

Circle-of-friends housecleaning time.

And I like my new Virginia license plates...easy to remember as they beg a mnemonic that invokes Psyche.


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