Friday, August 24, 2007

An Apology for the Slave Trade

Earlier today I noticed a question on about whether or not the United States should apologize for its involvement in the Slave Trade in the past (I hope it is in the past!).

A strong majority, like 66%, were saying we shouldn't.  Well, that's a load of crap.  How can we keep running around in circles, screaming about Christian principles being our founding father's aims, and ignore one of the most sacred aspects of Christianity?

Christianity teaches that is you have done wrong, if your family has done wrong, if your people have done wrong, you have an obligation to God to apologize.  And sincerely.  It doesn't mean the apology will be accepted, but that's not your problem.  

I have said before, and will say again, my apology is a statement of my character, my willingness to owe up to past failings and try to at least be honest.  What the person I apologize to does with my apology, that's a statement of their character.

But, theologically, morally, it puts it behind you.

So let's quit the hypocrisy and just get on with it.  If no one else will up to it, let me:

I, William F. DeVault, apologize on behalf of the American people, the government of the United States of America and any of my ancestors who may have, directly or indirectly, contributed to, profited from, taken pleasure in, or stood by in silent assent to the slave trade perpetrated in this nation in past generations.

I invite all other American of good character, Christian or not, to join me in this.


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