Friday, August 17, 2007

MySpacious Interruptus

For those of you whom, rather than leaving word here or emailing me a greting yesterday, left me word at MySpace (why? I don't know)...MySpace is down for the time being (surprise! surprise!) so don't be surprised if I don't get your note or respond right away. I received notifications of the messages, but can't access them or respond to them.

That online social network has certainlly gone to hell since Rupert "I may be foreign, but I own the US political process" Murdoch bought it.


Anonymous said...

Oh, please! Like George Soros doesn't own a huge chunk of the US political process!

It's much more accurate to say:

That online social network has certainlly gone to hell since Rupert "I buy technology that is cool and innovative, drain the cool and innovative parts and offer a cynical commercial product that panders to the worst side of human nature and I'm a billionare because of this!" Murdoch bought it.

More accurate and rolls right off the tongue!

William F. DeVault said...

(laughing) True, true...but I like bashing not so much Murdoch, but the millions of Americans who blithely believe that an Australian tabloid publisher is most fit to set an increasingly deranged American consertaive politcal agenda through his ownership of and meddling in the day to day news agenda of his Fox News channel.

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