Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Warm Wine and chaos theory

Chaos theory. Yeah, I get that on both a mathematical.scientific level and a personal.emotional.spiritual level. My need for chaos seems to be undiminished, my appetite for random energies as sharp as ever, although perhaps my tastes have become more refined with age.

I am writing, explosive little bullets of work, nothing too dazzling, but this is one of the ways the good stuff comes...the shotgun blasts of thought kinetic constructs is merely my brain clearing out the rubble to let the juggernaut roll smoothly.

New piece for this weekend's podcast: "The Warm Wine". It is a curiously erotic piece built upon a line from my poem "Bragi bleeds". Those of you who know me or are sophisticated enough will decode it quickly. Those who cannot or will not, enjoy it like an old "Rocky and Bullwinkle" cartoon, where the double entendre slipped by you as a child, leaving you just with the surface amusement.

I sent an email off to several California-based friends last week, seeking guidance for my vacation. None responded. I must assume I am persona non grata in the Golden State? More likely everyone wants to be second to respond, typical California etiquette.


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