Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Wednesday, life is like a box of Whizzo Quality Assortment chocolates

I have shuffled the tracks on MySpace for the band (William F. DeVault and the Gods of Love at MySpace) so that listeners get a spread of the 4 pieces we put on there. For Valentine's Day I am going to make major substitutions...wait and see.

Some other major changes coming, not just in the poetry and recording arenas. I'll keep you all informed. Looks like the Assassin may be making his reappearance in corporate America (an old nickname of mine from my management days) to the delight of my creditors. Poetry is what I am about, but I can write fifty hours a week and still have time and emotional juice left over to drive a hardcore corporate paycheck.

And a relationship, you ask? You never know. There are candidates, maybe I should just find a good buddy. There'll be some juggling on that, it looks like...I'm sort of like an air fern. I don't ask for much, just that you neither airlock me or set me on fire. A boy has to have his standards, I have enough faith to deal with life as it comes. Some dynamism in the universe right now. "There is great disorder under heaven and the situation is excellent," some guy name Mao Tse Tung once said. Who can argue?

I am looking forward to the Valentine's Day podcast...I promise you something...startling.

Thanks to E.J. for finding a buyer for the copy of "101 Great Love Poems"...I suck as a self-promoter, always been too much the "I'll do my thing and if that's not interesting to you, that's fine". I can sell anything but myself.


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