a little Jaz music
Jaz texted me earlier to ask if I was responsible for a sandwich that mysteriously appeared on her desk after lunch. Seeing as a) I never give sandwiches as gifts to impress women and b) I would rather give flowers or red velvet cake as a surprise gift and c) I am 3000 miles away from her at the moment, I told her I was not responsible.
Half an hour later she texted again to let me know she'd solved the mystery. It was her own sandwich she'd brought back with her from lunch.
Thank God she's still got her looks. Adorable. Brilliant. Charming. Sexy. Funny. Just a little distractable?
Distractable, or "out to lunch"? :^P
(Sorry, couldn't help it). I'm sure she's very nice.
Red velvet cake is YUM.
Do you ever give it to the un-a-mused?
Giggle. I'm done now. Good night, and
Happy Phat Tuesday, Poet!
That's the Jaz I know and love!
You have good taste!
Do you like Red Velvet Cake too?
BTW-It's pan-'K'-ck day!
-Marty Graw : }
Ain't nothin' but a OC thang, baaaaabay!
Two loc'ed out OC's so we're craaaaazay!
Death Row is the label that paaaaays me!
Unfadable, so please don't try to fade this
But, uh, back to the lecture at hand
Perfection is perfected, so I'm 'a let 'em understand
From a young OC's perspective
And before me dig out a bitch I have ta' find a contraceptive
You never know she could be earnin' her man,
And learnin' her man, and at the same time burnin' her man
Now you know I ain't wit that shit, Lieutenant
Ain't no pussy good enough to get burnt while I'm up in it
Now that's realer than real-deal Holyfield
And now all you hookas and ho's know how I feel
more like
hellllll yeahhhhh
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