Tuesday, July 03, 2007

spending time with Angie and George

There is something pleasant about keeping company with George Clooney, Sarah McLachlan and Angelina Jolie.

No, not in a hot tub. Damn it.

But, as I mentioned before, the Poets for Humanity website has asked and received permission to feature my video "Jesus Wept" about the humanitarian crisis in Darfur on their Writers Alliance website page of videos about the crisis.

It was an honor to be asked and of great amusement to find myself hanging with the other people who have made music, poetry and documentary videos on the crisis.

So, check out the library at www.writersalliance.net/Darfur_videos.html.

Now, to get Al Gore's people to take me seriously. You know I volunteered to read at his inaugural in 2001...but the coup by the Supreme Court that lead to the War in Iraq and the death of thousands of our sons and daughter, fathers and mothers, friends and neighbors sort of got in the way.


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