Monday, May 21, 2007

Jimmy Carter, Christian

Hey, did you hear? The Bush Administration has declared former President Jimmy Carter as "Irrelevant".

Yeah, I can see where a man who criticizes your administration is irrelevant. I mean, if the founder of one of the most respected charitable organizations in the world (Habitat for Humanity), the broker of the only sustained peace between Middle East rivals (The Camp David Accords, between Egypt and Israel) and Nobel Peace Prize winner criticized my conduct of a war that I started, I'd say he was irrelevant, too.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God." - Matthew 5:9 in the Holy Bible you so like to claim to follow, Mr. Bush.

Jimmy Carter was not a very effective President, but he is a man of God. A Peacemaker. There is some question as to whether a real son of God can be an effective President, as we ask our leaders to do horrible things to protect us. Some do these things reluctantly, knowing that there is a spiritual trade-off in doing them. Some seem to enjoy the violent, perverse hypocrisy of it.

I guess to some people, being earnest and wise in one's faith would be "irrelevant". Honestly seeking more than the mere label of the faith, but to understand and follow it: That's tough. And all the swaggering, photo-op BS in the White House will not indemnify Bush's reputation from the carrion feeders of history.

Peace making and truth speaking. They have never been more relevant. Or rare.


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