Friday, May 04, 2007

God is still not an American

I've been getting some rude comments and even a bit of hate mail over my old essay "God is Not and American" at Authors Den.

Come on, people. Do your research. Don't flag wave or misquote founding fathers to make a point that is counter-intuitive, historically indefensible and just plain wrong. I understand that a lot of people have sold out Christian principles in the name of political expediency, but if you want to be that way, just move along and wallow in your own hypocrisy. You won't convert me to your viewpoint by threats or name-calling. Incidentally, neither is particularly Christian.

That's as ludicrous as claiming the King James edition of the Holy Bible is the one true Bible. Jesus didn't speak English. No one in the Bible ever spoke a word of English. And, as a minority language, it seems a little jingoistic to say that only the English-speaking minority have access to the truth.


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