Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Falwell Joke

So many people did not know my Falwell joke referred to the other day and thought it must be something unspeakably vulgar or profane, I feel I must clear the air to avoid any whispered distortions.

This is a joke I authored several years ago and was meant to delineate the differences between the high-profile and generally right-wing, who teach the spiritual aspects of the actual teachings of Jesus.

Warning: This joke will be over most people's heads.

Jerry Falwell, Donald Wildmon, Hans Kung and Madalyn Murray O'Hair are in an inflatable life raft in the middle of the Atlantic, surrounded by hungry sharks. The boat is losing air and it is obvious that someone needs to go over the side or they will all perish.

Falwell and Wildmon discuss the matter and decide that O'Hair, being a Godless Atheist, must be the one. Kung intervenes and points out that if one of the Christians were to demonstrate the Christian virtues of selfless love, charity and sacrifice, perhaps Ms. O'Hair would reach an epiphany about God's love and come to her Lord.

Falwell and Wildmon agree and quickly toss Kung overboard.

That's the joke. Get it? No? That's okay.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for enlightening those of us not in on the original joke!

Very funny.

Hope you'll reuse that by changing the names around. Just try not to go

-Jo Oaker :D

William F. DeVault said...

Actually, I am working on a political version of it, concerning the world community, the current US Administration, and democratic principles.

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