Thursday, May 10, 2007

American Idol it ready for the Amomancer?

I wonder how many people would try out for American Idol if they had to pay an entry fee? Would several of our best competitors from this and past season be left out of the mix?

I don't know. It seems reasonable to assume. At least some of the more incerdibly bad contestants might not have shown up. Then again, money is not purely the province of the sane and the talented.

But here I am, pondering. American Idol Underground has been launched and for a small fee they will put your song into the mix, guaranteeing a certain level of listeners and a shot, not sure. Maybe I need to go back and read the details.

My biggest issue isn't whether or not I'd like to throw in (or throw up). My problem is which recording to use. So if anyone can tell me whether they think I'd do more damage with "DARFUR (Jesus Wept)", or "Strange but Beautiful", or "Right Set of Lips" or even the (gulp) "Wailing Wall", I would love to get some opinions. I would probably be strongest in the "spoken word" category...but I am a little hard to genre lock.


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