Monday, September 17, 2007

the wire

"To be on the wire is life, everything else is just waiting", quoth Joe Gideon, Bob Fosse's alter-ego, in the film "All That Jazz".  The angel of death, played by Jessica Lange, responds "That's very theatrical, Joe."

Theatrical or not, it carries a powerful coda, one that has stood for me for decades.  I don;t want to just wait for the worms, filling space and sucking up resources just to forestall the inevitable, but to be be on that wire.

But how do I define that wire?

Creating, loving and acting upon my instincts in those areas and in trying to fix things I perceive as broken in the world.  Obviously I cannot fix everything wrong with the world, I can't create all things that are created (even within myself, I would burn brightly then explode) and I must seek to focus my passion on one individual.  Just as a tightrope walker learns that walking to the left or the right is not a sensible alternative, so must I seek the effective path to express and explore my passions.

But I know where the wire is, I know how to walk it and I have walked it more than once...and if you think time or tempest will keep me from it in the present or the future, you are so sadly mistaken.


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