Monday, September 24, 2007

on to the cult and the nakedness!!

Good sign:  Three or four of the tracks from the new CD are lodged in my head.   I have been very pleased with what I have been hearing from a few people who have listened to previews of it.

The tracks that seem to be following me around today are the more gentle, transcendent pieces like "the taste" and "the warm wine"...but I am very glad I made some last minute course corrections as to what tracks would be on the CD.

Now I just have to buckle down, make sure Dan and I are on track for the official launch of "Psalms of the Monster River Cult" and my next CD "Naked, Again" should be far less traumatic a birthing than "Amomancer:  nightblooming" was.

Wait until you see who I dedicate the next CD to.  Hint:  No one whose picture has appeared on the cover of a book or CD of mine.


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