Monday, April 02, 2007

A Roadmap and a Compass

Brutal, exhausting day. But much accomplished and I am loathe to turn in, finally, without communicating at least those parts that are communicable.

The new video got up the other day and I am absorbing the comments while preparing my next strike. I have two projects in mind. One is, of course, a video built around one of my poems or song.

The other will be a "Draft Al Gore" campaign video. I adore many of the other candidates, but I think we need Al, and he needs to be made aware of the necessity of his acquiring the bully pulpit of the Presidency if he truly wants to impact the debate on climate change. We'll see how that one unfolds.

I am still casting about for a job in the DC area, writing proposals. It can be contract or perm. I have the experience, the track record and the desire. I get a lot of "We're taking our time" responses. Doesn't do me much good. Frustrating.

Was seized by a great ennui earlier today...worked out of it by making sure everything related to the podcast was in place. I have no illusions that zillions of people listen to it, but I do it as much for me and my posterity as I do for the audience that is here and now.

Helped the ex with her Passover cleaning. Hung out with the boys. Wrote several long-winded emails, some of which I actually sent.

Tired now, earnestly tired, which is good. Heard from Jennifer yesterday, but Sarah is still MIA. I guess this teaches me to loan someone money just before you leave town. The money is a non-issue to me, actually. It is the loss of what I thought was a friend.

I prayed just a bit ago. I pray a lot. But, as prayer is an intimate thing to me (as it should be to everyone) I do not usually announce it or even do it in public. Public prayer offends me, be it at a public ceremony or a sporting event. Jesus taught against public prayer.

Jesus also taught that you really aren't supposed to ask God for things. Just be gracious and grateful and say you are looking to be shown the way, the path, that you are to follow. That's my prayer: Show me the path. I'll provide the motive force if you give me a roadmap and a compass.

That's how it is supposed to be. My path now, as the rain begins to fall outside even this very moment, is clear. Bed. Alone again (naturally).



Anonymous said...

Public prayer, when applied to sporting events, has always annoyed me. I was on volleyball and basketball teams where we'd have a group prayer before our games. I always thought God had more important things to do with his time than monitor a bunch of junior high school girls playing a game....

Regarding EJ's selection
-Behind the Facade-
posted 4/03/07
This is one of my favorite of your poems.
It is truly amazing what types of connections we can have when our guards are down.

-a reader, a student

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