Thursday, June 21, 2007

a small pronouncement

I have been approached by a Canadian company that wishes to make some of my books available on a new ebook reader technology. I am considering it, seriously.

Think I have been quiet enough of late? Be afraid, be very afraid, as it means I have been keeping my own counsel, gathering force like a storm on the edge of a great ocean, preparing for landfall.

I had a dream the other night, and it was good. My preconscious spoke to me in clarity and deft image-play, to point out numerous epiphanies I had missed in the last few years. Important lessons, in iron and glass and flesh.

I have not loved too much, nor too little. I have, perhaps, trusted too much and unwisely, as a function of that love, and thus have brought down troubles I should not have had to endure. But I would not trade what good I have done for what good I might have done.

I would rather have saved a life than a credit rating.

I would rather murmur the truth in quiet corners than lies from lofty perch.

It seems to me that those who judge the character of others often fall into one of two groups: Those who have never been tested, and those who have failed the test and lie about it. I may do penance for my errors, but I don't run from them.

I would rather die as who I am, who I have been and what I have done, then have to explain to my posterity that I had taken the easy way, the shortcut, the back alley escape routes from conflicts where I was necessary to a better resolution.

I am announcing that, after much consideration, I have deactivated my memoirs. They will see light of day after I am gone, but only after those I love and trust to stand for the truth, at least as I perceive and express it, have had opportunity to review my words and thoughts and perceptions and perspectives.


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