Thursday, June 14, 2007

finding the city by whatever means

I love, from time to time, checking out the statistics under my system to see what people are putting into search engines to find my site. It gets bizarre.

The #1 search argument people find me via is, not surprisingly
"cityoflegends". That's my domain name and until someone gives me a good reason to desert it, it stays that way.

But did you realize that the #2 search argument that leads people to my site is "cinderella naked"?

Yes, my poem "Even Cinderella Gets Naked" draws curious readers (probably mostly teen age boys looking for some hot toon action).

"Amomancer" is #3. A good sign that my identity is known, if not quite up there with Paris Hilton or Simon Cowell.

Perusing the rest of the list, we get multiple hits from people who searched (mostly on Google) for "lust bunnies poem" (yay!), "bar in morgantown west virginia that reads poetry" (I didn't know bars could read) and various butcherings of my name.

Then the fun starts...the single search hit items, which can be pretty strange...

"falwell poem", "amy donna josh blasphemy ice skirt head", "old morgantown junior high school" and, of course, "the poet lauri ate"...hmmm, must be someone from my past.

I am probably most pleased when I see, not a lot of hits on a particular search, but individual hits on specific poem titles. This gives me pleasure that perhaps someone, somewhere, has been exposed to a poem of mine and wants to know more about it.

Anyway, just thought I would share.


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