Thursday, June 28, 2007

a passing update

It has been an arduous week for me, and I am looking forward to it winding down, but not before I leap a few more tall buildings in single bounds. Let's face it, you wouldn't have it otherwise, nor I.

The face to face meeting betwixt myself and a muse I had not seen and some time fell through. I'll take the bullet for that. Too much going on and sometimes even I do not control my own corner of the universe. She's peeved (her choice of words) at me and I am disappointed.

I have been writing, in fits and starts, and some of it is actually not too bad. I will need to, this weekend, look through it all and confirm what is good and what is landfill material.

I am making the final legal transition from West Virginia to Virginia, in the next few days. Sic semper montanus, or something like that.


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