Friday, January 04, 2008

a major announcement

I am sorry if I have been inattentive of you, my dear reader...a combination of the holidays, a nagging cold and a blossoming romance have all kept me off my usual hyperkinetic arc.

I do have an announcement to make...the name of my fiancee is...

(lol) you don;t think I'd be that easy, do you...duh!

Actually my announcement is that, effective immediately, the name of the band I record with is changing. We were originally going to call ourselves Kathleen Turner Overdrive (a tip of the hat to a fine movie...). No, actually, from this day forth, throughout all known land, the band formerly known as William F. DeVault and the Gods of Love will be known as


Let's face it, you knew the day was coming, it was just a matter of time.

Oh, regarding the Iowa Caucuses...yes, I am a Hillary Clinton supporter, no I do not think Obama would make a bad President, he would be my second choice. But...let's recall that some other Clinton lost Iowa in 1992...and we know he was never heard from again. So, all due respect to the Hawkeye State...the rest of the country would like a say.


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