Wednesday, July 25, 2012

the edits are done

and "Selected Poems and Passions:  1996-2004" is slotted for release sometime next month...either August 16th (my birthday) or August 12th (the first day of the apple harvest, consistent with my poem "matrimony" from "The Sacraments" within the White Sunday poems).

it all gets so complicated.

some poems got cut by my editor, M.K., as did the use of the faux pen-and-ink drawings I have included in a few of my past books.  Her position...was disappointing, but I accept her taste and judgement.  she even made a few minor structural changes to a few pieces that needed them.

she solved the issue of the line-wraps for "aureate" in an elegant manner that I would not have accepted had it not been so well executed, so she out smarted me.  I may have to re-evaluate my generic loathing of all editors.  Dammit.


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