This and that
Several years ago, my mother went through the boxes and boxes she had of pictures of family and friends, and gave to each of us 5 kids a bag containing a sizable portion of our pictures, as well as a photo album. Mine vanished a few years ago, one of several sentimental items that disappeared in the course of my second marriage nomadic lifestyle.
Today I was give a bag of photos by my mother, several dozen pictures. Pictures from my first wedding, of my children when they were little. My 1st grade report card (A's in English, C's in handwriting), my daughter's compcard from when she was attending modeling school. I was so delighted to recover these pieces of my past. Even pictures of individuals who have fallen from faith with me, it was still nice to see them in happier times.
I will share some later, after a scanning will be amazed and amused.
WVU plays in a bit over an hour, here in Morgantown, against the Syracuse Orangemen. I hope they do well...despite the generally stupid conduct of the fans, the team has been a long time getting to where they are, and it would be nice to see them go undefeated. Best of luck, particularly, to Steve Slaton, who is the team's first legitimate shot at a Heisman in some time.
A relatively quiet weekend planned, externally, so I will be writing, editing and composing. The public acceptance and praise for "DARFUR (Jesus Wept)" has been an inspiration to me and I am grateful and humbled by the response to it.
It is an effort, but I am doing my best not to start any new book projects at this time. Four poetry books and two novels on the board, plus three CD projects. Can I resist the impulse to develop in parallel the screenplays to go with the novels? And what about the three screenplays I have started otherwise?
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