Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Unicorns, redux

The Unicorns.

One of my most oft quoted and cited poems. Written long ago. I recall when I wrote it, not just the historical frame, but the actual moment when I sat down at my girlfriend's typewriter and pecked it out, in her study. I think I still have the original of it, somewhere (if it did not perish with my coffin in Hurricane Katrina).

"Please come awhile. remain and play" The object of my affection is invited.

"The unicorns won't come today." I have left my innocence behind.

"The faeries and their virtued kin shall stay away, to paint my sin with ancient red and angry fire." Fantastic creatures only visit the pure and virtuous, I am crossing that line.

"Please come to me and linger, please." Don't just show up, remain with me.

"I do not mock, I dare not tease." I am earnest in my entreaties.

"Just bring with you an honest smile..." I fear insincerity.

"...and share with me, for all the while, a love of life and true desire." Let us be lovers and share our lives in full.

"The unicorns no longer guard the meadow just beyond my yard." I have placed aside my childhood.

"They snort with shame and true disdain upon a hope of ages' pain..." They are angry and scornful at my rejection of them.

"...and brand me, by my pride, a liar." They insult me and accuse me of being a bad person, because I am content in my passion for my lover.

Remarkable here...I did not have to reference my books or files to write the poem out here. Having written as many poems as I have (what is it now, maybe 13-14 thousand poems?) I can recite so few, they jumble in my head and soul. This one, written so long ago, sticks with me like memories of a first kiss.


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