Staying alive...and busy
I am currently keeping my heard down, working hard...probably harder than I ever have before (and if you are one of those people who saw me during the time I was with Perot Systems or publishing three books in a 100 day span, you know how hard I can work).
I am relocating, most likely to the DC suburbs. Not rejecting West Virginia, just dealing with the financial necessities and a desire to see more of my sons. To that end I am spending more than an eight hour day conversing with various consultancies about working with or for them as a proposal writer or in some other capacity related to my absurdly thick resume.
I am also working on a song. Not a piece of poetry, but a song. It will either be brilliant or a glorious failure. Maybe both. It is heading twoards the edgy and the erotic, and I have received a request for a certain flourish that I cannot decline.
Let's see how it goes...I hope to have at least the rough of it later this week. And yes, I will be singing. I think that is actually a sign of the Apocalypse.
I am also trying to arrange the National Poetry Month events that I and others have sought to accomplish this Spring...and don't forget I am also serving as a judge in the chapbook contest for the Texas Panhandle Writers' Frontiers in Writing (FiW) convention, and I should be seeing those entries in the next few weeks.
Life? Who has a life?