Major word on 101 GREAT EROTIC POEMS
I have just finished reviewing an email I got from the poet, in which he gave me the master list of all poems to appear in his forthcoming volume
101 Great Erotic Poems
I am sure there will be tweaks. What I find remarkable is the number of works (marked with an asterisk*) that are previously unpublished works. Some I have not even been privy to.
Seriously, he sent me, under pain of death not to share, the new cycle "Bacchante" and I have to admit...I'm thunderstruck. It is like he let his sexual side grab the car keys and take the Lamborghini for a quick spin off a twisty mountain road...he's playing with fire. But I am happy to report it is the very best of fires he is playing with.
Here's the master list:
a language without words I heard*
a summoned fire (pink jade)
a trick with mirrors*
An Angel Spreads Her Wings*
angel in a darkened room*
as I slide into you
Bacchante: Baptism*
Bacchante: Confession*
Bacchante: Healing*
Bacchante: One Flesh*
Bacchante: Ordained*
Bacchante: Penance*
Bacchante: Sacrament*
bare skin on linen
bartering ram* (yes, that is how he meant to spell it)
base sacraments
blossoms of the wind
cool night air on bare flesh*
Courtesan: Ascendor*
Courtesan: Contender*
Courtesan: Defender*
Courtesan: Pretender*
Courtesan: Surrender*
Courtesan: The Splendor*
Courtesan: The Tender*
dark flirtation
feel the light kinetic*
Feeling You Cry Out*
feral with desire
flint to my steel
follow with your legs
fragrance of your flesh: frankincense*
fragrance of your flesh: honeysuckle*
fragrance of your flesh: jasmine*
fragrance of your flesh: musk at dusk*
fragrance of your flesh: myrrh*
fragrance of your flesh: rose petals*
fragrance of your flesh: sandalwood*
how would you have me touch you?
I will feed*
if your husband comes home
Impale Yourself*
jasmine and plumeria
kiss not the sky
lust bunnies
one kiss to last forever*
open, you to me
passion sympoetique
passion, play
penetralia: a penitent lover
penetralia: a trick of the light
penetralia: Odin
penetralia: penetralia
penetralia: roses
penetralia: summoner
penetralia: time and space
playing with dark fire*
Return to the Goddess’ Bed
Satyr in Love
Seeds of Love
Sex Cookies
Shall I take You, Unaware?*
she dances away when I awake
So Dark*
soft as dawn (pink jade)
Spread to My Pleasure*
Spreading Your Wings
swerve (flirt)
taste you on my lips*
teaching me*
the joint of your hip*
the lover
the priest of passion serves the sacrament
The Sacrament of Passion*
The Satyr’s Suit
the taste of remembrance
the texture of your tongue*
tip for tap
toasting with the warm wine*
Twitch Like a Bitch*
urgent heat
Vignette: Delicati*
Vignette: Red Sheets and Black Light*
Vignette: Relentless Kisses*
Vignette: Shhhhhh*
Vignette: Silk Scarves*
Vignette: Third Person, Singular*
Vignette: Unleashed*
warm breath stirs soft flesh
when roars the demon*
word of release*
I count four (4) new cycles: Bacchante, Vignette, Frangrance of Your Flesh and Courtesan. It looks like he is taking this all the way this time.
May God have mercy on our sanity.