I've received a few comments from people regarding my posting of the near-naked cover that we didn't use for THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES....
if you liked what you saw, don't hesitate to let me know, and to visit, of course, the official website for Jillian Ann at www.jillianann.com. But don't completely desert me...her site is well-designed and she is beautiful and there are many photographs, but I found you first... (she does make one oblique reference to my book in one of her recent journals...I am not the high water mark of her career, in her eyes (I have found that models rarely take the long view, but that's not a put down, that's an acknowledgement of her worldview, which I respect...having been married to a wannabe for several years and having spent some time with models and photographers, a model's professional life is often so short that she can't afford to think in terms of decades or centuries...)
That having been said...I am announcing my new contest: (drum roll, fanfare, cue the balloons)
The THEOCRICIDE Book Cover Model Contest
Nest Spring (2006) we will be launching my next book of verse, THEOCRICIDE. Having been so pleased with the results of the use of a beautiful model on the cover of THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES, not to mention FROM AN UNEXPECTED QUARTER and LOVE GODS OF A FORGOTTEN RELIGION, I am putting out an open call for models. And, yes, I already have looked at a few, but I am NOT sold or wired into anyone yet, so I'd like options.
Between now and December 1, 2005, if you are interested in being the model whose face and form will dominate the cover (and most likely, the inside pages) of THEOCRICIDE, drop us a mini-portfolio of no less than three - no more than 5 - photos, at least one good headshot included - at trojanhearse@cityoflegends.com and mention Book Cover in your subject line so he doesn't delete you as spam.
Don't worry, we won't abscond with them or use them for anything without permission. Really interesting ones, we may ask permission to post to the blog or the website, to get feedback. We're looking for a woman (although EJ says twins would be dynamite, and I see his point) to represent the dark and light sides of spirituality/duality. We may end up using two models, or just one...we don't know for sure yet. Just as the cover of TCPC was inspired in no small part by Jillian Ann's photos when I stumbled over them (I was originally going to use my ex-wife, Ann-Michelle, as the model...but stuff happens)
The prize? Well, to start with, the winner gets a full library of my books in December, followed by being on the cover of the new book. Compenation? We aren't going to strong arm anyone, but we'll negotiate with you. Jillian Ann got compen$ation, a ton of free publicity, immortality and an acknowledgement in the book that includes a link to her website.
So, if you are a model, would like to be a model, or know a model who you think might like this shot, get in touch with EJ now...3-5 pictures (at least one of them a headshot...beyond that, we are not limiting type, style or subject matter of the photos) Yes, we do skew young and beautiful in our tastes, but we're looking for the thunderbolt, not a pre-conception.
Cash bribes, propositions and airline tickets are acceptable but will not affect the outcome of the contest.
And even though the contest closes December 1, the earlier you submit your entry, the better, before we become completely jaded.
For more information on the poet (me) and his works, go to www.cityoflegends.com.