Monday, August 12, 2024

Ukraine is a Woman

like an infinite field of sunflowers, brighter than the sun,
memory made and recollected, unexpected reflections
that glisten as you listen to the silence, the gentle violence
of history and mystery, ages past and runes cast at last
to predict the future and redefine the past,
echoes of Shevchenko off the mountains invoked.
predestiny as a mockery of the clockwork impatience
that drips blood and tear and sweat, wet with awakenings
that break the unmourned mornings that suggest the blessed
in tested testaments and the remnants of our invocations
paid as reparations for mad dictators and faithless lovers
that are only here for the hryvnia in the barters.
souls flying in the shadows lying when there is a multitude
of angels angling for the corners in the cathedrals of thought,
taught to the daughters left to weep in the aftermath of wars
fought for grain and territory, the Kiev-Chernigov, Galician,
and Volhynian edifices torn down to break wills and kill
the innocents to prove virtues of beasts over priests.
the feminine endures, as it must, the winged victory of hope
and resilience. the virulence of lies and the smell of sacrifice
does not purify, does not deny, no matter how hard we try
to rise above the arduous denials of the yesterdays, in glory
she resists and persists against every cruelty avenged, lessons
taught to the children to make mortar for the walls of cathedrals.

William F. DeVault. 2024. all rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Back from the abyss...and bearing a gift...

 It has been a while, and I promise we'll get caught up.  I have been BUSY!  But for now, here's the cover of my next book, due August 16, 2021.  I think it will blow many minds.

Friday, February 21, 2020

First leg of tour in the rear view mirror

I set up two events for last week, bracketing personal business, as I never do anything for one reason! 

I had a signing event at the Barnes & Noble in Morgantown West Virginia, for sentimental reasons.  IT was okay, sold some books, met some old friends, I was underwhelmed at their enthusiasm at the store.  While they had promoted it on Facebook, they had not put it on their website, there were no signs announcing the signing (I am used to B&N putting up signs, even if occasionally misspelled), and only a single PA announcement.

Plus, they only ordered the softcover of QUINTESSENCE.  The hardcover outsells the softcover 4-1 online.  But I survived.

Then I had a reading at the Monongalia Arts Center (MAC).  Small crowd, but enthusiastic (sold more books), saw a few more old friends, and did my first ever public reading of The Sonnets of Grace, from QUINTESSENCE.  I had not read these aloud before.  I was very pleased with them and I think I did an adequate reading.

So, that's in the past, thanks to all who turned out, listened, bought books...

Monday, February 03, 2020

a day or two late, but earnestly trying to keep my word.

Still working on setting up the tour.  I have 8 venues I am waiting for further word on...4 I have locked in on specified dates, although I had to move the one at the Bokeh in Evansville, IN, from March 18th to the 11th, as the 18th of March is...St. Patrick's Day and the organizer was concerned about the drunkenness of the crowd.

If you know a venue for a reading or a signing:  schools, colleges, bookstores, coffee shops, bars, bordellos, churches, let them know and let me know.  Scheduling is NOT something that I enjoy, but it is a necessary evil.

May have to move the date of the Florida gig, as it is on Easter, which may skew the audience and means public transit will probably be much more expensive. 

Less than two weeks until I kick off on the 15th of February at the Barnes & Noble in Morgantown, WV.  Great thing about bookstore chain readings is I don't have to haul stock around with me.  I'm not, by nature, a peddler or merchant.

Copyright © William F. DeVault | All Rights Reserved